General Machine Shop Safety Checklist
Machine Shop Safety Quick links
- Is the owner’s manual for each machine stored at the shop?
- Are all machines that are designed for a fixed location (ex. drill presses) securely anchored to prevent walking, tipping, or moving?
- Is sufficient clearance (3-foot minimum) provided around and between machines to allow for safe operations, set-up and servicing, materials handling, and waste removal?
- Are machines properly grounded?
Maintenance and repair
- Is there a regular safety inspection of each piece of machinery or equipment?
- Have maintenance workers received up-to-date instruction on the machines they service?
- Are maintenance and servicing workers trained in the requirements of lockout/tagout hazards, and are the procedures for lockout/tagout evaluated or developed before they attempt their tasks?
- Do maintenance workers lockout the machine from its power sources before beginning repairs?
- Do maintenance workers have electrical plug locks or disconnect switches?
- Where several maintenance persons work on the same machine, are multiple lockout devices used?
- Do maintenance persons use appropriate and safe equipment in their repair work?
- Is the maintenance equipment itself properly guarded?
Machine guarding
- Are guards in place to protect against point of operation, nip points, rotating parts, flying chips, and sparks?
- Are guards positioned and functioning correctly? Guards must be affixed to the machine where possible, or anchored securely elsewhere otherwise.
- Are guards in place for gears, sprockets, pulleys, belts, and flywheels?
- Are coolant splash guards in place to prevent employee exposure?
- Are machine guards secure, functioning, and so arranged such that they do not present a hazard themselves?
- Are revolving drums, barrels, and containers guarded by an enclosure interlocked with the drive mechanism so that revolution cannot occur unless the guard enclosure is in place?
Machine operations
- Are start, stop, and other operating controls within the operator’s easy reach?
- Are emergency stop buttons colored red?
- Is a standard operating procedure (SOP) available for the machine and located at the machine?
- Is there adequate supervision to ensure that shop users are following safe machine operating procedures?
- Are foot-operated switches guarded or arranged to prevent accidental actuation by personnel or falling objects?
- Are manually operated valves and switches guarded or arranged to prevent accidental actuation by personnel or falling objects?
Contact Information
Robin McCall-Miller, Occupational Safety Engineer
- Call: 540-231-2341
- Email: