Incident Reporting & Emergencies
Call 911 or get help
- For serious injuries, call 911 immediately.
- Get the first aid kit and/or AED, as necessary.
- Provide care or assistance.
Incident Report Form
Please complete the EHS Incident Response Form and someone from EHS will follow up with you.
Worker's Compensation
All employee work-related injuries must be reported to the Department of Human Resources so that worker's compensation benefits may be properly coordinated. Please use this link, Workers Compensation, for instructions and to access the reporting form.
Student Injuries
All student injuries that occur during an instructional, shop, or research-related activity must be reported to EHS so that an accident investigation can be initiated, if needed. The Employers Accident Report (EAR) form is used for Vet Med students as well, however, they are not covered by Workers Compensation unless they are injured while working in a paid capacity for the university. The instructor, PI, or supervisor for the activity should complete this form on behalf of the student, with the assistance of their Human Resources representative for their department or college. Students should seek medical attention at either the emergency room, the Schiffert Health Center, or their primary care physician.
Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH)
Employers must report certain severe injuries to OSHA/VOSH in a timely manner. Environmental Health & Safety serves as the liaison with external regulatory agencies, and coordinates notification to VOSH of reportable events. Notify Environmental Health & Safety at 540-231-2341 or 231-5985 immediately of the following work-related events:
- Fatalities - within 8 hours
- In-patient hospitalization - within 24 hours
- Catastrophe (3 or more persons sent to Emergency Room) - within 24 hours
- Amputations - within 24 hours
- Loss of an eye - within 24 hours
Environmental, Health & Safety
Any time an employee must go to an urgent care facility, the emergency room, or is transported by ambulance or helicopter, Environmental Health & Safety must be notified directly.
- Robin McCall-Miller: 540-231-2341 (and please follow up with an email to
- Zachary Adams: 540-231-5985
- Off-hours: 540-391-0311
Important Emergency Numbers:
- Emergencies (Police, Fire, Rescue): 911
- Police (Non-emergency): 540-231-6411
- Schiffert Health Center: 540-231-5996
- Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities Customer Service: 540-231-4300