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Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health at Virginia Tech

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) serves all university members by helping to create a safe and healthy work environment through the promotion of occupational safety, fire safety, and occupational health programs. OSH staff also perform industrial hygiene monitoring and evaluations of potential health hazards, and assist with the development of controls to reduce or eliminate exposure to these hazards. 

Occupational Safety Programs

Occupational Safety and Health Team

Zachary Adams
Associate Director, Occupational Safety and Health Programs | 540-231-5985

Tim Walker
Industrial Hygienist | 540-231-8294

Nick Thorton
Safety Compliance Officer | 540-231-8294

Ana Maria Camargo Palomino
Safety and Health Trainer | 540-231-3943

Josh Spradlin
Fire Protection Engineer | 540-231-9068

Lisa St. Clair
Medical Services Program | 540-231-3919

Robin McCall-Miller
Occupational Safety Program Manager | 540-231-2341

Mark Nester
Safety Compliance Officer
  | 540-231-5776

Lee Watson
Training Manager | 540-231-9198

Alexander (AJ) Zukosky
Fire Safety Inspector | 540-231-4207

Juliet Dadras
Manager of Medical Services Program | 540-231-8733

Amanda Moser
Medical Services Program | 540-231-3851

OSHA Reporting; Citations

Virginia Tech and OSHA

Virginia Tech can be cited by Virginia OSHA (VOSH) and penalties can be assessed. Any violation cited must be abated within the specified period, or contested. Penalties will be the responsibility of the cited department. Environmental Health & Safety coordinates the response efforts. Contact Robin Miller at 540-231-2341 or 540-231-5985 for further guidance and next steps.

If you receive an OSHA citation

Hazardous conditions should be abated at the time of the inspection with OSHA if at all possible. If not, abatement should begin soon after the closing conference with the Compliance Officer. The official citation will be received (typically at Environmental Health & Safety) a few weeks later, at which time the abatement period will have already passed. A representative from Environmental Health & Safety will revisit the site and take pictures or gather documentation as proof necessary to respond back to OSHA and close the citation.

Reporting an accident/incident to OSHA

Virginia OSHA (VOSH) requires that fatalities, in-patient hospitalizations, amputations, or loss of an eye be reported within certain time frames. Any violation cited must be abated within the specified period, or contested. Environmental Health & Safety coordinates OSHA reporting for the university. Contact Robin Miller at 540-231-2341 or for assistance as soon as the incident occurs so that proper procedures and notifications can be coordinated.

If OSHA visits your department/site

In the majority of cases, Environmental Health & Safety representatives will already be accompanying the Virginia OSHA inspector. If not, as in cases involving Virginia Tech employees working offsite, ask the inspector to contact Virginia Tech's safety representative Robin Miller. If the inspector in new or does not have Environmental Health & Safety's contact information, please call 540-231-2341 or 540-231-5985.

Escort the Compliance Officer to a conference room or office out of the immediate vicinity of the work site to await arrival of (or phone communication with) the Environmental Health & Safety representative.

Contact Occupational Safety and Health

Virginia Tech Environmental Health & Safety
575 Beamer Way
Blacksburg, VA 24061

EHS mainline phone: 540-231-3600 (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

Emergencies: 9-1-1 (after 5 p.m.; weekends)
Fax: 540-232-8488

Occupational Health Clinic
2020 Kraft Drive, Suite 2100
Mailcode 0562
Blacksburg, VA 24061