Asbestos Operations and Maintenance

Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Trainings & Quick Links
Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program
Frequently Asked Questions
In accordance with 18VAC15-20-455.1, a project monitor is required on asbestos abatement projects where performed in buildings that are occupied, or intended to be occupied upon completion of a project exceeding 260 linear feet or 160 square feet or 35 cubic feet of asbestos-containing material, or whenever the building or property owner deems it necessary to monitor the asbestos project.
The CPSM, 2023, Rev. 0, Section 4.12.10 also indicates that "Each Agency shall ensure that asbestos abatement project specificiations are followed by using a Virginia licensed or properly certified asbestos project monitor to monitor the project and perform air quality testing throughout the duration and at final completion of the project. No asbestos materials are to be removed without the asbestos project monitor being onsite." There is no size threshold for this requirement for construction and renovation of buildings on state-owned property in the Commonwealth of Virginia involving asbestos abatement.
Contact your Departmental Safety Representative (DSR) to obtain historical sampling data. If suspect material has not been previously tested, the DSR will make arrangements to have it sampled if it will be disturbed.
Bulk sampling is conducted by an Asbestos Inspector. For more information, click here.
No, not if you are not properly trained. Asbestos containing materials (ACM) must be removed in accordance with OSHA and other state requirements. For more information, click here.
Not without following university policy regarding renovation work, and complying with OSHA regulations. For more information, see Class II ACM here.
Not necessarily. Floor tile or ceiling tiles (that contain asbestos), for example, that are in public spaces will not be labeled as such. ACM in mechanical rooms and spaces should be. Where there is no label indicated that a material is asbestos-free, do not assume that it is if you're going to disturb it. Get verification! For more information on labeling of ACM at VT, click here.
If your concerns involve an asbestos abatement project (barriers in place with appropriate signage/warnings), please contact the VT Project Manager immediately by calling 540-231-4300.
If your concerns do not involve an abatement project, and suspect ACM has been disturbed, please follow these requirements, and contact Environmental, Health and Safety at 540-231-2341 for follow up.
Information and data is conveyed to contractors involved in campus renovations and work via an Asbestos and Lead Survey Report.
Contact Information
Robin McCall-Miller, Occupational Safety Program Manager
Phone: 540-231-2341