Asbestos Database
Asbestos Safety Quick Links
Historical asbestos and lead sampling data is maintained by Environmental Health & Safety in an Access Database. Departmental designated safety representatives (and other designees as necessary) are provided access via SharePoint. To obtain access to SharePoint, you must have it installed by IT and be provided access by Environmental Health & Safety to the files. Limitations of existing data include: abatement (partial or complete) of asbetos-containing material is not reflected in the data, and newer samples may not be included.
File Structure
Electronic files are available for each building where sampling data has been collected. Files are named by their university building number and then their name. Within each building folder, there will be an Access file where a report of all sampling data can be printed, as well as historical AutoCAD drawings showing homogeneous materials in that building.
Data Structure
Access tables are provided for the following:
- Bulk sampling results
- Homogeneous materials (All asbestos data is keyed off of the homogeneous material number.)
- Lead sampling results
- 0 - crawlspaces or basements
- 1 - first floor
- 2 - second floor
- 3 - third floor, etc.
- Exter - exterior of building (i.e. roofs or exterior lighting)
- 0 - generally reserved for overflow
- 10 and 20 - flooring materials
- 30 and 40 - ceiling materials
- 50 and 60 - wall materials
- 70 and 80 - other (TSI, wiring, glazing, etc.)
- 90 - general overflow
- 0.70a = gray particulate elbow hot water supply (crawlspace, other material-TSI, wiring, glazing, etc., associated material)
- 0.70b = brown fibrous mud hot water supply (crawlspace, other material, associated material to 0.70a)
- 1.10a = 9x9 tan with beige and white floor tile (first floor, flooring, associated material)
- 1.10b = black mastic associated with 9x9 tan floor tile (first floor, flooring, associated material to 1.10a)
- 1.11a = 12x12 white floor tile with green mottling
- 1.11b = black mastic to 12x12 white with green mottling (associated material to 1.11a)
- 2.51 = black mastic from blackboard (second floor, wall material)
- 2.52 = gray particulate sheetrock (second floor, wall material)
- 3.30 = spray-applied ceiling fireproofing (third floor, ceiling materials)
- 4.53a = tan vinyl baseboard (fourth floor, wall material, associated material)
- 4.70 = 3" elbow (fourth floor, other material/TSI)
- E.71a = insulation on neutral wire from light fixture (exterior, other/wiring, associated material)
- E.71b = insulation on hot wire from light fixture
Reports for asbestos and lead for a given building can be run via the Reports section for "Asbestos Bulk Report" or "Lead." Reports will provide the following information:
- Building number and name.
- Floor.
- Description of material.
- SID - sample identification number.
- Room number where sample was taken (refer to homogeneous building materials for sample results in other locations within a building).
- Date sample was taken.
- Percentage of asbestos in material (or 0 if none was detected).
- Type of asbestos found in material (or "none detected" if asbestos-free).
Contact Information
Robin McCall-Miller, Occupational Safety Program Manager
Phone: 540-231-2341