Fluorescent Tubes and Light Ballasts Disposal

Fluorescent Tubes and Light Ballasts Quick Links
Recycling Fluorescent Tubes and Light Ballasts
Because many fluorescent light tubes contain mercury, a program has been established to dispose of the light tubes according to local, state, and federal regulations. Environmental Health & Safety asks that all discarded tubes be placed in a cardboard box and labeled with a hazardous waste label. Please see chemical waste disposal procedures for details.
Light ballasts and transformer oil may contain PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) which are regulated hazardous waste. Before disposing of light ballasts or recycling transformer oil, please contact Environmental Health & Safety at 540-231-3600 or chemwaste@vt.edu so we may test the materials for PCBs.
Contact Information
Phone: 540-231-3600
Email: chemwaste@vt.edu