Radiation Survey Instrument Information
Radiation Safety Quick Links
Radiation Survey Instrument Information

1: AUD on/off = controls the actual sound of the meter response to activity
F/S = fast or slow signal response
Off/ Bat / X100, X10, etc = Power on, Battery check, X factors represent multiplier for scale use
Reset = resets needle to zero

2: This label is referenced before using the meter to ensure it is within calibration date and what the instrument efficiencies are for the radioisotope concer. e.g. 800 cpm of P-32 = 4000 dpm if this value was noted between June 2007 and June 2008.

3: What is this meter reading?
(X10 scale selection and readings of 0.5 mR/hr and little over 1600 cpm) = 5.0 mR/hr or 16,000 cpm

4: If the battery check indicates the power supply is low, the batteries must be changed before using the meter. The screw below the power on the dial should be finger-tight. If not, use a straight edge (screwdriver) to loosen and open the battery compartment. Remove/change the D cell batteries as needed. Verify battery placement according to the polarity diagram noted inside the plate. Replace the plate and tighten the screw when finished.

5: Use the check source on the side to verify meter response before using. If the meter does not indicate a response, please contact the Radiation Safety Officer for assistance.

Contact Information
Donald Conner, Radiation Safety Officer
Phone: 540-231-5364
Email: dcon@vt.edu
Cynthia Strader, Assistant Radiation Safety Officer
Phone: 540-231-2699
Email: cynth@vt.edu