Farm Safety Program Summary
Applies to:
This program applies to all departments that have personnel that work on farms or who operate farm-related machinery and equipment, regardless of location.
Departments must ensure that a competent person is designated to provide oversight for farm-related work and that personnel operating tractors have attended related safety training. Training may also be required for other hazards, such as confined space entry, fall hazards, machinery shop safety, and electrical safety.
The agriculture industry, grouped with forestry, fishing, and hunting, consistently ranks in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the U.S. The purpose of this program is to provide guidance for the safe operation of tractors and awareness of other farm-related hazards.
Each department with personnel who work on farms, or who operate farm-related machinery and equipment (e.g. tractors) must ensure personnel is aware of work-related hazards and that safe work practices and other necessary controls are implemented to reduce or eliminate the likelihood of injury or illness.
This program covers Virginia Tech personnel who operate tractors, or who are exposed to farm-related hazards, regardless of work location.