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Scene Safety

Remain calm

The most important basic principle of first aid is to remain calm. You cannot help others when you are in a panic, nor will you be able to ease the victim's fears and anxieties, which can contribute to his/her condition. 

Check the scene

Always check the scene of an emergency before you rush in to help. Look for hazardous conditions, such as: 

  • Smoke and flames;
  • Spilled chemicals or odors;
  • Downed electrical wires;
  • Risk of explosion;
  • Possible building collapse/instability;
  • Traffic dangers; and
  • Potential personal violence. 

If the scene is dangerous, stay away and call for help. You must not become a victim yourself.

Look for clues that may indicate what happened. This will give you an idea of the possible condition of the victim(s) and what first aid treatment may be necessary. Did the person fall from a ladder? Was the person working on an electrical system? Was some type of chemical involved? Was the person operating some type of machinery or equipment? If there is no indication of what might have happened, consider a possible medical emergency, such as heart attack, stroke, diabetic emergency, or a seizure. 

Provide care only if it is safe to do so; otherwise, stay away, call 911, and wait for emergency services to arrive.