Reverse Signal Operations Definitions
Covered vehicles: Any general or construction industry vehicle, machinery, or equipment capable of operating in reverse and with an obstructed view to the rear.
General Duty Clause: "It shall be the duty of every employer to furnish to each of his employee's safe employment and a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are causing, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm to his employees..."
Ground guide: The person designated to observe and guide the covered vehicle during reverse signaling activities.
Obstructed view to the rear: Anything that interferes with the driver's view to the rear of the vehicle at ground level. This includes structural members of the vehicle, its load (e.g. gravel, dirt, machinery parts), its height relative to ground level viewing, damage to windows or side mirrors etc. used for rearview movements, restricted visibility due to weather conditions (e.g. heavy fog, heavy snow), or work being done after dark without proper lighting.
Reverse signaling activities: Includes, but is not limited to, collecting tickets from drivers, giving verbal instructions to drivers, and signaling to drivers once reverse operation of the covered vehicle has begun.
Reverse signal alarm: Adevice such as a horn (i.e. back up alarm) that is audible above, and distinguishable from, surrounding noise.