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Field Research Safety Requirements

Travel Abroad

University Policy 1070 applies to any university-supported travel abroad for students, employees, and other approved participants. All employees and students traveling outside the 50 United States of America for university-supported purposes must follow the Global Education Office’s procedures to register their travel in the Global Travel Registry at least two weeks before their expected departure date, and should provide updates as additional information becomes available or changes occur during the trip, including cancellations and travel to additional countries.

If you are traveling on behalf of Virginia Tech, you or a delegate are required to complete a preapproval in the Chrome River system for international travel. You must also comply with the travel-related policies and procedures of the Virginia Tech Controller’s Office.  Finally, the university requires that all Virginia Tech faculty, staff, and documented representatives traveling internationally for business purposes enroll in the university-approved Global Travel Insurance.

Animal Handling

All research or instruction activities involving animals (including wild animals), requires an approved protocol from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Be prepared to complete all required IACUC training and submission of the protocol well in advance of the initiation of any activities.


All research and instruction involving pathogens, recombinant DNA, or human cell lines requires registration and approval from the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). Be prepared to complete all required IBC training and submission of the protocol well in advance of the initiation of any activities.

Health and Safety

All work activities performed, regardless of location, must comply with Environmental Health and Safety’s programs and guidelines, or the laws and regulations of the country or locality, whichever are stricter.

Field Safety Plan

Departments must ensure that a project-specific Field Safety Plan is developed by the principal investigator/project manager or instructor prior to the start of fieldwork. Hazard-specific safety training and personal protective equipment may be required in some situations, as well as appropriate medical surveillance and health services.

Field Safety Plans (template) should include the following information:

  • General description of fieldwork to be conducted;
  • Itinerary, including location(s) of fieldwork, arrival and departure dates, and mode(s) of transportation;
  • Team member names, addresses, phone numbers, and emergency contacts;
  • Local contacts who can reach you, if necessary;
  • Local emergency contacts and/or procedures (emergency medical services, local hospitals, fire departments, etc.);
  • First aid/CPR training for participants;
  • Location hazard assessment - hazardous plants, animals, insects, diseases, terrain, and weather conditions for the area;
  • Safety equipment and other provisions to be taken on the trip;
  • Authorizations for access to state, federal, and/or private lands; and
  • Permits for sample collections from respective agencies.